Monday, April 28, 2014

Break Time!

I am off on a Muddy Mama holiday.  time for a break, winter was long and hard for everyone, but I know that I need a recharge, and that means sand and water for me. Oh yes, some Pino Grigio.

I like to be busy, and I love being a Mama, but I also know that a good Mama is a happy Mama, and vice versa.  This means I need to have times where I disconnect from North American life, social media, and multi tasking with my various jobs and community work.  It is way too much my modus operandi to say yes to things being asked of me, but I also need to practice self care, since I preach that to my clients.  So, I need to walk the walk rather than just talk the talk.

I am really happy that my CSA Casi Cielo has a full house with 10 families that I am going to be growing fruits and vegetables for all summer is a blossoming success.  I am part of a new Pop Up Shop in the exchange district starting in May.  Stay tuned! Its all good, but I recognize it needs a lot of energy so this little energizer bunny is saying Peace out for a week!

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