Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring time, Polar Bears, berries and bowls

It is May, even though it hasn't felt very Mayish here most days.  I have been to see Hudson at our zoo, and snapped some photos of our arty bears in Winnipeg. Not really wanting to think about polar anything, I need warmth.  Most of my focus is trying to finish pots for the firing at the end of the month, and transition to gardening.

My hascap bushes are valiantly trying to leaf out, last year I had berries at this time I think.  Saturday night it reportedly went to -7C.  Hard for the plants to make much headway or for me to get enthusiasm to deal with quack grass.  Rhubarb is moving along as you can see in the photos. It is such a hardy prairie iconic plant for us here in Manitoba.
Bluejays are back so they add colour to my bare apple tree, but I know that it will be leafy and blossomy before long. 

Got some pitchers thrown yesterday while supervising a play date, good thing I can hear them through the floor and tried out a new raspberry coffee cake recipe.  Will post that one later in the week.

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