Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Momentous changes

I just flipped through some of the many blogs I follow by creative moms.  Seems there is a rash of children off to Kindergarten and their moms who are becoming emotionally overwhelmed. A friend and colleague said to me "this is a year of momentous change".  That hit this morning when we arrived at Kindercare, which is the onsite daycare at the school and all the doors were locked.  We both tried to be brave for one another, and walked around to all the doors.  Banging on the last available door roused the caretaker, who said I needed to ring the buzzer.  Nobody told me about the buzzer or where to find it.  I humbly said I felt a little silly and proceeded to try and find the classroom in the empty dark school guided by my 5 year old son who had a tour on Friday.  His nose and eyes were red, but he didn't cry and neither did I till I got to work. Since then I have been a weepy little mess.  He is there with good people and friend, but it is not preschool with bright colours and a couch for resting on. Big changes for us both.

Now, on to something more comical about having a sometimes smarty pants 5 year old.  during  a recent meltdown during an intense game of Candyland my child was sure that one player (an adult) was cheating and he proceeded to stomp around the house and yell that based on some loophole he knew that Uncle was cheating.  I quietly said my "little litigator" to the other adults. This was overheard as "alligator", as he then proceeded to sob and say that I had hurt his feelings very badly by calling him an  "alligator".  Having worked in, among, with and against lawyers all of my professional life, sometimes alligator and litigator aren't so far off.  This is a keeper for 5 year old mis-translations.

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