Friday, July 12, 2013

I am alive and kicking!

Dont get me wrong. i am not actually kicking anyone, but I have found myself going at high gear for far too long, and thus the blog has been sadly neglected.

On the kicking theme, we made a brief attempt at fostering a him...but the realities of taking on a fragile baby goat with separation anxiety and feeding issues is more than even I should take on .. Thanks to Louise of Aurora FArm for her patience and letting us try this. still a dream but it will have to wait...

I am madly gardening and harvesting...rewarding but my back and kneee dont always agree with me... trying to work on pacing myself  and am grateful for all and any help with weeding. Looking for a hot yoga experience, I can provide it here!
Tomorrow we are making a special delivery of pots to Pembina Hills Art Gallery with a request for yarn bowls.  That is a good thing, will take some of the new buttons Cathy has put on cards for me.

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