Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall madness! Making, stocking and selling

For all of us in the maker population fall is a wild and frenetic time.  I took some more stock into our beautiful Pop Up Flash Boutique. Tomorrow I am taking turquoise plates and leaves over to Exchange Uporium. Check out our Pop Ups if you are in the downtown or Exchange district, they show how artists collaborating can make beautiful things, and the money stays with the creators. It is our time to crank it out, and keep on smiling from now until December 31st. We usuallly make 50% or more of the years income during this period of time.

 I feel like I am throwing and trimming mugs in my sleep. So....I thought a few goblets would be nice to change it up. Here are some photos of the process taken by my Mr. G, a little shaky, but still give the idea.

smooth it out, keep it steady

trim some more, and hope they come out in one piece on Thursday!

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