I had a great time at the Under the Mistletoe Market today at the Canad Inns. Boy do I love flat load in. No stairs makes the whole day bettter.
Had some positive feedback on macrame workshops, so I hope that I get some emails following up. I am sure that we could really get macrame up and running in Winnipeg. So email me with a group or even a trio!
Got 3 more sales this month. If you have special requests please get them in soon. Only one or two more firings!! Come see me at Farm Fresh Food Hub, Pop Up at the Forks on December 11, 11-4, and the WEST Holiday Market on December 17th from 11-5!!!
Had some positive feedback on macrame workshops, so I hope that I get some emails following up. I am sure that we could really get macrame up and running in Winnipeg. So email me with a group or even a trio!

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